ca. 1861-1976

Guide to the Photograph Collection

Collection Summary


这个作品集由四个相关成员的照片组成 非裔美国家庭,阿斯伯里,德格拉斯,唐宁和霍华德家族.

Biographical Sketches

John Van Surley DeGrasse (1825-1868) was born in New York in June 1825年,乔治·德格拉斯和玛丽亚·范·索利最小的儿子. At age 15, DeGrasse enrolled at 他在纽约州北部的奥奈达学院(Oneida Institute)学习,然后去了法国,在那里上了大学 two years. 他回到了纽约,并继续他的医学训练在医生的指导下. Samuel R. Childs. 作为鲍登学院医学院的一员,他获得了医学学位 Class of 1849. 在欧洲各地的医院工作后,他建立了一家医疗公司 1854年,他成为第一位当选为美国律师协会会员的非裔美国人 the Massachusetts Medical Society. DeGrasse married Cordelia L. Howard on 5 August 1852 in Boston. 在南北战争期间,他成为美国第一位非洲裔医疗官员.S. 在美国陆军第35团担任助理外科医生.S. Colored Infantry (the First 北卡罗莱纳有色志愿团). 他和他的妻子有一个女儿,乔治娅 Cordelia DeGrasse, born 5 December 1855. He died in Boston on 25 November 1868.

Howard DeGrasse Asbury (1907-1978) was minister of St. Paul 纽约牙买加卫理公会教堂约翰·范·瑟利·德格拉斯的曾孙. 他对非裔美国人历史感兴趣,积极收集有关的资料和手稿 他的祖先包括德格拉斯、霍华德、唐宁、加德纳和阿斯伯里家族的成员 families. 他经常把资料借给一些机构(包括布鲁克林公共图书馆, 纽约文化中心和马萨诸塞州波士顿的美国黑人历史博物馆.) for exhibitions about African Americans. 他是黑人历史协会的成员.

Collection Description

这个系列包括波士顿医生John Van Surley DeGrasse的肖像,他的妻子 Cordelia L. Howard DeGrasse, and their daughter Georgenia Cordelia DeGrasse Asbury; and descendant Rev. Howard DeGrasse Asbury, among others. Also included is a photograph of a portrait painting of Rev. 以赛亚·乔治·霍华德和弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的即席访问. The 收藏还包括纪念以赛亚·乔治·霍华德和废奴主义者的照片 George T. 以及在家庭文件展览期间拍摄的照片 artifacts. 摄影师包括詹姆斯华莱士布莱克和约翰A. Heard of Boston, as well as John White Hurn of Philadelphia, Pa., among others. Includes cartes de visite and color photographs.

Arrangement Note

肖像按主题的字母顺序排列,其次是风景和展览 photographs.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Robert Downs, November 2012.

Custodial History

The collection was owned by Mrs. 雪莉·阿斯伯里·唐斯被存放在博物馆 他于1998年将这些藏品存放在MHS. Mrs. Downs's 他的儿子罗伯特·唐斯在雪莉去世后继承了这些藏品,并将这些藏品捐赠给了她 the MHS outright in November 2012.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Box 1Folder 1#36.1digitized
Asbury, Georgenia Cordelia DeGrasse, ca. 1864-1865.Taken by John A. Heard, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 2#36.2digitized
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse, ca. 1960.Taken by Cecil Layne, New York, N.Y.

霍华德·德格拉斯·阿斯伯里在以赛亚的肖像旁摆姿势的黑白照片 George DeGrasse (1813-1841).

Box 1Folder 3#36.3digitized
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse, ca. 1972-1976.Taken by an unidentified photographer.

霍华德·德格拉斯·阿斯伯里在纽波特唐宁街一角的彩色照片, R.I.

Box 1Folder 4#36.4digitized
DeGrasse, Cordelia L. Howard (1823-1899), ca. 1864-1865.Taken by John A. Heard, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 4#36.5digitized
DeGrasse, Cordelia L. Howard (1823-1899), ca. 1864-1865.Enlargement of Photo. #36.4.
Box 1Folder 5#36.6digitized
DeGrasse, Isaiah George (1813-1841), ca. 1972-1976.

以赛亚·乔治·德格拉斯画像的宝丽来照片. 1838.

Box 1Folder 6#36.7digitized
DeGrasse, John Van Surley (1825-1868). ca. 1864-1865.Taken by James W. Black, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 6#36.8digitized
DeGrasse, John Van Surley (1825-1868), ca. 1864-1865.Taken by James W. Black, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 6#36.9digitized
DeGrasse, John Van Surley (1825-1868), ca. 1864-1865.Black and white enlargement of Photo. #36.8.
Box 1Folder 7#36.10digitized
DeGrasse, John Van Surley (1825-1868), ca. 1863-1864.Taken by E. M. Bannister, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 8#36.11digitized
DeGrasse, John Van Surley (1825-1868), ca. 1865-1867.Taken by Black & Case, Boston. Carte de visite.
Box 1Folder 9#36.12digitized
Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895), ca. 1864-1865.Taken by J. W. Hurn, Philadelphia. Carte de visite.


Box 1Folder 10#36.13digitized
Downing, George T. [and family?], ca. 1885-1895.Copy photograph.
Box 1Folder 11#36.14digitized
J. Imogen Howard Club of Mercy Hospital, ca. 1925-1930.Group photograph.
Box 1Folder 12#36.15digitized
Tablet in vestibule of St. 菲利普圣公会教堂,以纪念以赛亚·乔治 Degrasse, ca. 1950-1960.Taken by Cecil Layne, New York, N.Y.
Box 1Folder 13#36.16digitized
图罗公园的纪念碑,纽波特,R.I., bearing George T. Downing's name, ca. 1972-1976.Color photograph.
Box 1Folder 14#36.17digitized
纽约大火,1835年12月16日 ca. 1960.纽约市立博物馆摄. Black & 约翰·T·吐温的平版版画的白色照片. Bowen, published in 1836. 指纹显示那栋楼是托马斯·唐宁的.
Box 1Folder 15#36.18digitized
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse and others, ca. 1966.Black and white snapshot. 背面盖章:北曼哈顿计划,新 York Public Library.
Box 1Folder 15#36.19digitized
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse and others, ca. 1966.Black and white snapshot. 背面盖章:北曼哈顿计划,新 York Public Library.
Box 1Folder 15#36.20digitized
约翰·范·瑟利·德格拉斯的肖像和其他展品, undated.Black and white snapshot.
Box 1Folder 15#36.21digitized
阿斯伯里,霍华德·德格拉斯和两个身份不明的女人, ca. 1960.Black and white snapshot.
Box 1Folder 15#36.22digitized
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse, Charles T. Rice, and Rabbi G. Stanley Dreyfus at the Ingersoll Branch Library, Brooklyn, 12 February 1968.Taken by Lloyd Douglas, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Box 1Folder 15#36.23digitized
黑人医生和科学家对医学和科学的贡献展览, February-March 1970.
Box 1Folder 15#36.24digitized
阿斯伯里,霍华德·德格拉斯,雪莉·奇泽姆,还有两个身份不明的人, 19 December 1968.Taken by Lloyd Douglas, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Taken at the U.S. 海关发布了一款名为“致无名英雄”的平板电脑."

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


阿斯伯里,乔治亚州Cordelia DeGrasse-照片.
Asbury, Howard DeGrasse--Photographs.
DeGrasse, John Van Surley, 1825-1868-照片.
DeGrasse, Cordelia Howard, 1823-1899——照片.
Downing, George T. (George Thomas), 1813-1903--Photographs.
Asbury family--Photographs.
DeGrasse family--Photographs.
Downing family--Photographs.
Heard, John A., photographer.
Hurn, John White, -1887, photographer.


United States. Army. Colored Infantry Regiment, 35th (1864-1866)--Photographs.


African American families--Photographs.
African American soldiers--Photographs.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs.
Cartes de visite.
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